What will get wrong in Alola?.... Everything!

Something is back but its better

Preschool Shows Clubhouse Poster

Ready For a Other Round?

- Gitchmane

Another drawing of Happy alola friends amnesia

Me in Htl

Braixen (o sea yo) explicando

Braixen (or be me) explaining

Lo pueden usar si solo me dan el crédito

You can use it if just you give me credit

Amnesia Cinderace and Inteleon

You can Draw a any Pokémon or a Fakemon in Happy Alola Friends Amnesia

Read the rules plz

Happy Alola Friends Amnesia poster

Me in htf 10 years later

Notice Im evolved into Delphox

Alola! Welcome to Happy alola friends community! enjoy you stay in Alola! And also the stories and the drawings have some blood cuz is based on Happy tree friends

Read the rules plz!

1:Dont swear

2:Dont hate arts

3:Dont make rule 34 of the characters

4:Put the post to the rigth channels

5:Dont make fetish arts of the characters

If you broke the rules you will be blocked

Report A community for over 2 years